Thank you for choosing Westside FUN! Please complete the information below to register for Summer 2025

Parent/Guardian Registrant Information

Registration fees are $375 (Week 1) and $425 (Weeks 2 and 3) with a $50 discount if you sign up a camper for all 3 weeks. (MUST BE COMPLETED AS ONE TRANSACTION)

To add additional campers, click 'save camper' and then choose 'add another camper'. The parent/guardian must add themselves as a registrant for each camper signed up. 

While we do not ask for friend requests know that campers are placed in groups of the same grade. If you are registering with a friend in the same grade, you will be together. 

Campers will be provided with ONE Westside Fun Camp Tshirt for EVERY WEEK they are enrolled. Extra shirts may be purchased in the space below.

        • Be sure to indicate QUANTITY and SIZE below


        Terms & Agreements


        I/We the undersigned hereby acknowledge that certain risks of injury are inherent to participation in sports and recreational activities.The risk associated with the activity must be assumed by the participants. These types of injuries may result from the nature of the activity and can occur without any fault of the participant or Westside FUNdamentals, its employees/agents or the facility where the activity is taking place.

        I/We understand that the rules and regulations set out by Westside FUN Day Camp (Westside Fundamentals) are designed to promote a positive experience and provide a safe and secure environment for the participants and hereby undertake to abide by these rules and regulations.


        Westside Fundamentals does not provide accidental death, dismemberment or medical insurance on behalf of the children participating in the program.

        I/We hereby warrant that our registering child/children is/are physically fit to participate in this program and that the choice to participate brings with it the assumption of risks for any injury that may occur.


        I/We have read and fully understand this Informed Consent Agreement and hereby consent to having the child/children named below participate in Westside FUN Day Camp, acknowledging that the undersigned is assuming the risks associated with doing so.

        Acknowledgement of masks, indoor activity, and vaccination and competition.


        Participants will be supported if they wish to wear masks during their time at camp.

        All participants must also follow all rules and regulations set out by Provincial Day Camp Guidelines and any applicable TDSB protocols.

        A full refund minus a $50.00 Admin Fee will be issued for all cancellations received in writing 45 days prior to the start of Camp Week 1 (May 16th, 2025). No refunds will be issued for any cancellations received after the cut off date of May 16th, 2025.
        Media Release:

        I give consent for my ward/camper to have images/videos used for promotional purposes only on Westside Fun social media, and promotional campaigns. No images will be used for commercial or personal uses.

        RegFox Event Registration Software